My approach combines coaching, teaching, and mentorship to help you move in the direction of your heart’s wisdom and soul’s longing. I draw from my personal experiences, including being a teen mom, taking various educational paths, raising children abroad, 15 years of personal healing work, and navigating 18 years of marriage, divorce (conscious uncoupling), and now a beautifully compatible partnership with a grown-ass man.
I can help you:
• Untangle yourself from cultural norms that hold you back.
• Identify and understand your unique needs, values, and desires.
• Illuminate patriarchal narratives that exhaust and disempower you.
• Discover your hidden strengths and potential.
• Prioritize what makes you feel powerful, aligned, and nurtured.
I’m here for the mothers who are:
✔ Changemakers, cycle breakers, norm-challengers, visionaries, leaders, and healers.
✔ Overwhelmed by cultural expectations and feeling isolated in their journeys.
Committed to making a difference but frozen by societal pressures.
I tell the truth about modern motherhood and help women remember the way it's actually supposed to be.
Do you feel stuck in the tension between the traditional roles of manhood and the need to evolve into a more emotionally available, engaged, and self-aware partner and father?
I help fathers like you:
• Improve communication and connection with your partner and kids
• Break free from unhelpful patterns and upgrade your coping strategies
• Build resilience and clarity in life and relationship decisions
• Rebuild intimacy and emotional connection with your partner
• Meet your own needs more consistently
• Stop the “who has it worse?” dynamic in your relationship and feel valued
• Reclaim your confidence, purpose, and self-worth
In today’s world, the blueprint for manhood is changing, but up against a lifetime of not-so-healthy cultural conditioning, most men (understandably) don’t have the tools or guidance to navigate that change.
You deserve support as you navigate these disorienting, draining times.
I can help!
Are you a mother who spends a lot of time focused on growth and healing? Would you like to learn how to protect your time, energy, and emotional capacity, so that you can use these vital resources to make a bigger difference in your family, in your community, and in the world?
In this 1.5 hour mini-workshop replay, I’ll show you why and how to set better boundaries with everyone in your life (including your multi-passionate self!) so you can stop feeling constantly overwhelmed, inadequate, and resentful.
You’ll walk away with...
✔ An understanding of why boundary setting is different for moms, and especially for those of us who are changemakers and cyclebreakers
✔ Ways (and actual phrases) to kindly say “no” that honor your limited capacity
✔ Tools for tending to the guilt you feel when you do set a boundary
✔ Specific ways to set boundaries with the difficult people in your life who you also depend on
✔ A personal understanding of how your body feels when it alerts you of a “hell yes” or a “hell no,” and ways to better tap into that intuition amid all the noise + familial and cultural conditioning
Click below to get the free replay of a juicy roundtable discussion on Zoom, where four seasoned mothers discussed the growth we've gone through and challenges we've faced in parenting tweens, teens, and adult children. This replay is a FREE event!
Our panel includes:
• Myself, Beth Berry (Revolution From Home)
• Rachelle Seliga (Innate Traditions)
• Rachel Macy Stafford (Hands Free Revolution)
• Brandy Ferner (Adult Conversation)
You’ll walk away with...
✔ A peek into the lives of real, thoughtful mothers who are parenting older kids in these chaotic, modern times. Validation that you're not alone in what you're going through as a parent of tweens/teens
✔ Validation that you're not alone in what you're going through as a parent of tweens/teens
✔ Ideas around some of the growth edges motherhood is inviting you into
✔ Perspectives around the identity shift that happens during this part of parenting + womanhood
Click below to get the free replay of myself and four other mother advocates having an honest, paradoxical, reverent, and healing conversation about the work mothers do (which, as we all know, goes way beyond mothering).
Our panel includes:
• Myself, Beth Berry (Revolution From Home)
• Raena Boston (The Working Momtras)
• Daphne Delvaux (The Mamattorney)
• Sarah K. Peck (Startup Parent + The Wise Women's Council)
• Moe Carrick (Moementum, Inc.)
This 90-minute roundtable delves into how societal norms + cultural expectations contribute to the invisibility of mothers’ labor, and the profound impact this has on families, communities, economies, and us as individuals.
After this virtual event, you'll feel...
✔ Seen
✔ Affirmed
✔ Inspired
✔ Better prepared to advocate for yourself + all mothers
Click "Learn More" to add yourself to the waitlist
so you can be notified when these are offered again
Wild + Wise is an online initiatory journey for middle-aged mothers who want a connected, supported rite of passage into this Wild + Wise Woman archetype so that they can cut through cultural conditioning much faster, allowing them to live, love, lead, and rest in their second half of life with as much alignment, empowerment, joy, and ease as possible!
You'll walk away with...
✔ Language for where you're at and why you're feeling the way you do in a culture that focuses on busyness, consuming, and staying young.
✔ Clarity around what your new North Star is - one you might not have seen coming years ago when you became a mother.
✔ Tools for stepping into this phase of your life as an empowered woman who can discern what's for her and what's not.
✔ Bonds with other soulful, seasoned mothers who also desire a more meaningful life and want to co-create a more beautiful world together.
If you're starting to look beyond the Mother archetype to see what else is possible for you, I invite you to join us for Wild + Wise!
MotherWorthy is an intimate, year-long circle designed for growth-oriented mothers who are fed up with feeling invisible and are inspired to cultivate deep personal growth, authentic connections, and lasting empowerment from the inside out.
I can help you:
• Set boundaries and access clarity.
• Honor your capacity and access inner peace.
• Weave a web of support + check and rewrite stories.
• Prioritize yourself and tend to hidden grief.
• Find personalized coping tools.
• Feel like you're enough - and more!
I’m here for the mothers who are ready to:
✔ reclaim their joy
✔ connect deeply with like-minded women
✔ transform their lives from the inside out.
✔ stop settling for the isolation, perfectionism, hyper-individualism, and judgment that plagues modern-day motherhood.
Tending To Us is a live virtual course that you can do with or without your partner. Designed for busy, stretched-thin parents (or individuals) who want to do relationships better, this course is all meat and power tools and no airy-fairy fluff.
Tending To Us is for you if you’re looking for:
✔ A practical set of tools that every progressive parent needs to re-build a solid relationship, despite all that's stacked against us.
✔ Increased connection with your partner, while you both recognize your own specific needs + how getting those met (or not) affects your partnership + parenting.
✔ A shared language to grow from together, while being better seen, heard, and understood.
Revillagers is a self-paced virtual course with LIVE support that aids mothers in creating the rich communities and life-giving connections they long for and deserve.
Revillagers is for you if you’re looking for:
✔ Practical tools and mindset shifts that you need in order to create the connections and community you long for.
✔ Increased confidence in your ability to find and/or create whatever village you’re looking for and dreaming of.
✔ Ideas about how to start where you are, and connect in the least overwhelming and most life-giving ways possible.
I’m not a parenting coach, nor am I an expert on motherhood. I’m a devout, lifelong student of it. There is no subject on earth I revere more, no humans I respect more, and nothing my heart longs to protect, nourish, restore worth to, shed light on, support the healing of, or advocate for more on this entire planet, than mothers.
❊ Changemakers, cyclebreakers, norm-challengers, visionaries, leaders, and healers, or simply fed up with the status quo and hungry for something more.
❊ Committed to making a difference, but so overwhelmed by our crazy culture, its many distorted messages, and the way it overburdens caregivers, that they often feel frozen with indecision, critical of their efforts, and overwhelmed with grief and unmet needs.
❊ Often outgrowing loved ones, afraid of what this could eventually mean, and feeling isolated in their healing journeys.
❊ Beginning to realize that doing it all alone only slows the growth and healing process, keeps us from accessing our true power and greatest potential, and robs us of soulful connection (which is our birthright).
❊ Untangle yourself from cultural norms and stories that are holding you back and keeping you playing small.
❊ Identify and better understand your unique needs, values, and desires.
❊ Illuminate the ways in which patriarchal norms and narratives keep you exhausted, unhappy, and constantly doubting yourself.
❊ Discover hidden strengths and help you see your own gifts and potential.
❊ Explore your saboteurs and shadows, and the ways they hold you back.
❊ Prioritize in ways that help you feel more powerful, aligned, and nurtured.
❊ Connect courageously and find your people.
❊ Create and maintain healthy boundaries.
❊ Deepen your self-trust.
❊ Understand your stress responses.
❊ Make meaning of your life in more empowering ways.
❊ Cultivate a gentle, peaceful inner landscape that nourishes rather than punishes you.
❊ Build your toolbox of practical, powerful skills for feeling better, stronger, and more effective as a changemaker and cyclebreaker.
❊ Be more YOU, not more perfect.
I not only have deep reverence for motherhood and a thorough understanding of the nuanced ways in which being a mother inspires, complicates, intensifies, slows down, and creates a sense of urgency around the growth and healing process, but I draw from 29 years of personal mothering/family experience including:
❊ Being a teen mom
❊ Home births and a hospital birth
❊ Attachment parenting (and all its sweetness + shortcomings)
❊ Raising spirited children
❊ Making it through some incredibly challenging teen years
❊ Decades of education navigation, including homeschooling, public schools, charter schools, Waldorf, Montessori, international baccalaureate, you name it.
❊ Four years raising kids abroad
❊ 17 years of marriage
❊ A smooth and amicable divorce
❊ Dating as a mother
❊ Writing a book when my kids were still young (mostly at 5am)
❊ Building a thriving business from scratch (and learning LOTS of lessons along the way)
❊ Parenting adult children
❊ Getting my ass handed to me by my idealism over and over again