1. Candie says:

    Thanks Beth! That was perfect for me at this moment and a great reminder for many moments. Happy Mother’s Day to all!

  2. erica says:

    So fucking beautiful and powerful and well said. Everyone can relate to this story, it’s all of our stories in some way or shape. Thank you, Beth Berry.

  3. Cindy Goodspeed says:

    Another brilliant entry that found me at just the right moment. Bless you Beth and have a joyous Mother’s Day.

  4. Joanne Griesinger says:

    Dear Beth,
    So many times I have read your blog & have wanted to send you a note .I do not even remeber how I found your site. I am a 58 yr old Nana who lives in Ohio with grown children & grandhildren who live all over the U.S – Olympia,WA , Oceanside CA, and Charlotte,NC.
    I just would like to say thank you & I hope you know that you are an amazing & brilliant young woman who often brings me tears of joy .Rarely does a person convey their mindfulness so clearly and I thoroughly enjoy your writing . We have visited Tulum a couple times in the past — a beautiful place indeed ! Many thanks and blessings and best wishes to you for a wonderful Mother’s Day ! Namaste,Joanne Griesinger

  5. Christina says:

    This made me cry for all the ways we shut down our hearts to each other. Thanks for offering a window.

  6. Thank you! It is so easy to think highly of (be generous to) those we think need our support but so much harder to not judge those who we assume do not.

  7. Judy nevius says:

    Very very good… Thank you

  8. Rhonda says:

    WOW! This is a beautiful post and one that I think or KNOW I really needed to hear. This is a brave thing to actually write down…everyone thinks it. But, no one wants to admit it. I think this honestly applies to situations such as people I work with, people who “tell” me how to parent, or even family members who always seems to be judging me….obviously I judge a lot! Thank you again!

  9. Holly says:

    That was beautiful!

  10. michelle says:

    Lovely surprise to see a new post today.

    Poetic and profound. Thank you.

  11. kathyr says:

    May 11.
    how very REAL — and convicting. Thank you.

  12. Rhonda says:

    Tears……such beauty in your soul. LOVELOVELOVE this. Happy Mamma’s Day, beautiful friend.

  13. Erika says:

    Sweet Jesus…I can’t tell you how many times I’ve typed a comment (here) and then erased it. But *this* time…this time I won’t.
    The scenerio you shared has happened to me too many times (over so many years). If only had the insight to truly comprehend the larger “picture”. Beth, I thank you. I thank you for sharing your life, thoughts, confessions, and family. Happy Mother’s Day!! (from Southeast Louisiana).

  14. Beautifully written, Beth. It is true that while I have always told myself not to judge other moms, I DO in fact judge moms in high heels and makeup with shrieking voices. And now I see that you are right… we all have stories to tell, and as long as those moms are giving their children the love and respect they need, they are doing a great job. And bless them for being able to walk in the heels, ’cause I can’t. I am lucky to not be dropping my children off in my slippers. : )

  15. Summer says:

    I always really enjoy your thoughts.

    In one of my favorite books “Like the Wind” by Laurens van der Post, it talks about how “corruption” comes three ways ‘through, power, suffering and numbers” by this definition it seems like we all have the capability of becoming wrapped up in ourselves, no matter our station in life.

    I’ve had plenty of my own prejudices and it really helps me to step back and try to see the real story instead of the story I’m making up….

  16. Julie says:

    You are amazingly insightful, Beth Berry. Thanks for reminding me that humanism kinda trump sit all.

  17. I can relate…. when at a national YWCA USA meeting judgement started permeating a dining room full of YWCA feminists supposedly advocating the empowerment of women and the elimination of racism. I caught myself and thought, it’s NOT about trophy wife vs. non-trophy wife, it’s NOT about breastfeeding mom vs. bottle-feeding mom, it’s Not about stay-at-home mom vs. working mom… the battle is bigger, sisters, and certainly not among ourselves. The battle IS to empower ALL women and eliminate ALL racism/sexism, and we MUST fight as a collective to advance for a better, stronger, healthier, supportive future. We owe it to our HERstory, grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and daughters. We owe it to ourselves.

  18. Liza says:


  19. Laura says:

    Wow. So profound. I find myself guilty of this so often. Food for thought.

  20. Rita says:

    I am reading this shortly after viewing this: http://vimeo.com/65576562
    Feels as if the universe is telling me something I need to hear this morning. Thanks for being part of that chorus.

  21. Ana says:

    Good for you!! It took me so many years to just flow, embrace my own “fresez”, and try to not to judge and be compassive with this special kind of Mexican women around me. Though, I sometimes find myself still trying and, even worse, sometimes being myself one of them. I will remember this post next time I’m in this situation. Thanks for sharing!

  22. Anne says:

    Thank you. I needed to read this and now I need to remember this!! Anne

  23. Thank you so much for this.

    Hugs from Texas to one majorly inspiring mutha!

  24. vic says:

    Where did you get such insight and courage? Not from me. Proud of your heart.

  25. Alexandra says:

    Beautiful! Thank you for that loving message 🙂

  26. Mamaholt says:


    I almost stopped reading when I got to the judgy part of the post. I’m really, really, really glad I kept reading.

    Thank so much.

  27. Heidi Witte says:

    This is so beautiful. I have often felt the same way, annoyed by the other wealthier moms at my children’s schools, we are FAR below the average income level for our neighborhood,so I often feel judged by them but I am also the one doing the judging.
    We all love our babies and are doing the best we can with what we have. Money may not be an issue for them, but who is to say how hard they struggle to keep up with their lifestyles and the pressure that bring with it.

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