She, whose face will always be that of my baby, she who loves animals — her dogs above all, she who’s always prepared and never leaves home without a purse, she who dresses herself and rocks her very own sense of style and she who’s a little too smart for her own good turned six yesterday.
We invited a few friends…

We bought a piñata (after last year)…

And we made pizzas…

It was sweet, it was fun, it was just about right.

Maybe I am getting the hang of this simple birthday thing. Or maybe, after you do it a few (dozen) times, you finally learn to curb your expectations, enjoy the process more than the product and realize what it is and isn’t about.

You had me at: “She, whose face will always be that of my baby … ” My baby is 6, too. And right now missing her two front teeth. I stare at her and my heart feels like it could burst. What a beautiful post about your daughter’s birthday and who she is as a unique and bright little person.
I adore, adore, adore your perspective, your writing style, and you as a human being. Your authenticity just resonates in your beautiful pieces.
I am getting the hang of the simple birthdays, too. Yours looked lovely and delicious. Thank you for brightening the world with your light.
Oh, I love it. My youngest daughter is turning 13 on Saturday and we’re beginning her “festivities” tonight. Right now we have some warmed oil (coconut, almond and jojoba) and beeswax cooling to a semi-solid state so we can mix it up with “waters” (aloe gel and distilled water with her choice of essential oils for scent)for her personal body cream. Later I will give her a massage followed by a facial and candlelit herb bath, then a hair mask followed by salt glow and shower with homemade shampoo and herbal rinse. These are all things I do/make regularly as a community herbalist so no expense or flurry of preparations. I’m just setting the time aside especially for her. On Saturday I will prepare a brunch for her with a few friends and family joining us as a surprise. In the evening we’ll go to a live musical performance of a play (She loves this!) where her Dad will be joining the “orchestra” and we can all attend for free as well as go backstage and meet the performers. I especially love celebrating with my kids now that I know how quickly they grow up but I guess we don’t feel any sense of obligation to do so conventionally.
The homemade pizza party never fails. It seems too easy, but there is something about the combination of customizing your meal, hanging around together cooking, and the comfort of bread, cheese and tomatoes that rocks. I haven’t done one in so long. It’s good to remember. Happy sixth birthday! And awesome orange dress!
My number two turned six yesterday too! She also is a lover of animals, is kind and patient, and way too smart for her 6 years. This was the first time we did a low key birthday and let me tell you, here in Scottsdale, that’s no small feat. We had a nice mommy and me day with her older sister (who turns 8 tomorrow). She is also going to have a small dinner party with her closest friends on Sunday. So much less stressful and enjoyable. My eldest said our day out was “way better than presents”.
I can’t believe she still has that dress and I can’t believe I will be hugging your necks in just a few short days!!!!!
It’s her birthday dress. This is the third year she’s worn it! Can’t wait to see you and that lover boy of yours.