I am a pretty good seamstress. It’s kind of my thing. So, when I find out on a Monday night that my 4-year-old is supposed to have a bee costume ready by Tuesday morning, my first tendency is to start designing an elaborate pattern in my mind, then scroll through my mental catalog of craft supplies. At one point in time I would have hopped in the car, sped to the nearest big box with a craft aisle and stayed up ’till 2 am making sure she’d be the best little honeybee in the class. (This is crazy-making mentality, by the way.)
More laudable than sewing skills, I’ve also learned the value of flexibility, the futility of perfectionism and the necessity of sleep. So when my eager and resourceful 11-year-old said to me, “Don’t worry Mom, I got this. Where’s the duct tape?” I just sat back, admired her vision and impromptu problem solving, and didn’t even interject my design advice. Now that’s some restraint.
Good job, Taos. Big sister saves the day. Estella thinks the world of you.

“I’d like to be the ideal mother, but I’m too busy raising my kids.” – Unknown
That is AWESOME. Your kids are so lucky to have learned such skills from their mama.
I’d have to say, they are learning the “make do with what you have” thing from the countless examples they see every day in Mexico. This country isn’t perfect, but they are pretty darn resourceful.
love your 11 year old’s gusto and do it yourself attitude. you’re amazing, beth. xoxo