Want to truly honor the mothers in your life (including yourself) this Mother’s Day?
Stop celebrating moms for being “superhuman” while normalizing our subhuman treatment.
The supermom archetype is a toxic fantasy that hurts mothers and perpetuates the invisibilization of our humanity. We have needs and feelings and limitations just like everyone else, but society is structured as if we don’t, or as if those needs, feelings, and limitations didn’t matter.
Also, as mothers, we have to stop expecting superhuman accomplishments from ourselves and one another if we’re ever going to see a shift in the ways in which we’re supported and systems are structured.
No more supermoms. No more erasing (y)our humanity.
This year and every year, I celebrate all you moms out there who are doing the work and owning your shit, breaking cycles of abuse and self-abandonment, fighting systems of oppression, healing from trauma, attuning to the unique needs of each of your children, and modeling beautiful, messy, humanity for the next generation.
I fell for this supermom crap in the 1980’s when I first got married at 20 and within 6 months had 2 stepchildren full time, a full time job, a new home, a dog and I did all of it for many years. What the saying should be is how to turn your husband into a monster really fast or how to drive yourself into an early grave superfast! Needless to say I was divorced after 28 years and have been healing ever since at 62 with PTSD along with my 2 youngest biological kids who all 3 of us suffered tremendously for years before we could succesfully break away from him.
I fell for this supermom crap in the 1980’s when I first got married at 20 and within 6 months had 2 stepchildren full time, a full time job, a new home, a dog and I did all of it for many years. What the saying should be is how to turn your husband into a monster really fast or how to drive yourself into an early grave superfast! Needless to say I was divorced after 28 years and have been healing ever since at 62 with PTSD along with my 2 youngest biological kids who all 3 of us suffered tremendously for years before we could succesfully break away from him.