Before you decide who to let in on your fledgling ideas, passion projects, and heart’s deepest desires, consider the size and quality of the container the person in question is able and/or likely to create.
Many won’t jive with your vision. Some won’t EVER get it. This realization can be painful, particularly when it’s someone you long for approval and support from. But it helps to remember that a lack of approval or interest isn’t about you.
Other people’s disapproval more often reflect one or more of the following:
Fixed mindedness (as opposed to growth mindedness)
A fear of risk-taking
Different taste than yours
A need for comfort over courage
A lack of creativity
A different way of looking at the world
Different needs and/or values
Differences in prioritization
No matter how painful, other people’s confusion or disapproval regarding your decisions is NOT a reflection of your unworthiness or the worthiness of your vision/desires.
Some people hold space beautifully for fledgling ideas. Others shoot them out of the sky (or even the nest!) for fear of heights or flying. 🦅
In service to mothers’ biggest dreams,
Before you share your dreams and visions with anyone…