1. Elin says:

    I love you Beth! Welcome back…..;o))) Bang on, as always. Golden, poignant gifts from you….thank you…xo

  2. Kelly says:

    Your writing brings me right in with you. My eyes full of tears as I felt your fears and those reminded me of my past fears for my daughter – who went through the same thing. She’s turning out just fine after all that life has brought her way. You are a great mama with a giant heart and your family knows it and feels it. Thank you for writing another amazing post. You are an amazing writer.

  3. Nicole Moore says:

    Thankyou! You’ve nailed it for me! Sharing widely, with this; Yes! Everything Beth says in this article about parenting in the modern world, rings true for me. Remaining centered amongst all the challenges offered by our culture, the myriad of opportunities for our Mama Beast to rise and Roar, to revolt, is my hardest task as a parent these days. VERY worth the read.

  4. Brandy S says:

    Oh, this had me teary… My children aren’t fully into grade school yet and I can see the beginnings of cliques and heartbreak seeping in through the stories that come home from kindergarten. I used to think the early years were hard but am getting the feeling I ain’t seen nothing yet. Thanks for writing this – a good stream of thought to keep in mind as I start out on the path of “crisis intervention” and guidance.

  5. Elise says:

    Excellent article Beth … I’m forwarding and sharing to all the young mothers needing “time out on the swing”.

    Warm regards,

  6. Kate says:

    Great article grappling with not only personal impacts of parenting but societal and cultural. With 4 big boys (3 grown) and then 1 young, nine year old girl, I am going through similar “shocks.” We have been back in the US for 4 months and often I want to lock them in their rooms (with no technology) until I can get the plane tickets booked back overseas where I feel they are more sheltered. We seem to have more time outside the US and fewer external intrusions. I don’t know if that is reality though or simply my interpretation of the experience (and maybe we just can’t understand the lyrics when we are in Thailand or Cambodia which helps:) I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts in a post comparing life in Mexico with US on this topic.

  7. MARY says:

    thank you.
    thank you.
    thank you.

  8. Sarah says:

    More wise and very welcome words of truth. As mother to two girls this speaks directly to me looking into the future. Please post more often Beth, we need your voice.

  9. Annette says:

    I so wish I could have read this post three months ago, before so much stuff hit the fan and forced me to muddle though deep swaths of (self-inflicted?) mother-pain-and-anguish. But then I wouldn’t have really learned, would I? It’s very different being *told* and learning it with your nose to the grindstone. And back then I probably didn’t *need* these words as much as I do now. Back then, I wasn’t even sure of the question, much less the answer I was looking for. That little whisper telling me it’s not really about fixing anything in my daughter’s world, its about being centered in my own took root after reading this. Much (cyber)love and many thanks!

  10. Brooke says:

    when I saw the email about your post I put it to the side to read when I had a quiet space and I am so glad I did. We are just beginning to navigate these waters. These deep, scary waters.,thank you for sharing your wisdom and process so eloquently.

  11. Christa says:

    Beth – as always this post is beautiful, moving, honest and raw. I love the idea of a disorganized, but well stocked personal toolbox. How true! Sometimes I just have to take a deep breath to remember that it’s there. And to allow yourself to feel your emotions and then move through them onto the next set of more rational thoughts is a perfect demonstration of equanimity, which itself its a very empowering tool! Thank you for sharing.

  12. I’m not a mom, but I’m really looking forward to your book!!! I love the Revolution from Home idea and thoroughly enjoy your blog! I hope you’ll consider reading your book on audio if that’s possible because I think that would be amazing. : )

    • Michelle says:

      I would love an audiobook version too! Listening + walking is better than reading + sitting. 🙂

  13. Michelle says:

    I love this post… I am starting to learn these tools too. The most important one (and the hardest for me right now) is Be Gentle With Yourself. Being able to shift from anger/shame/frustration/irritation to a warm and curious attitude about myself is key to being able to employ any other tools.

  14. Kate says:

    This resonated so deeply with me Beth. I so appreciate knowing that other parents are thinking deeply about these things. I feel like you and I have so much in common in the things that make us cringe and drive us nuts about our culture and its impact/influence on our children. While my children are not as old as yours yet, I still feel on guard against so much as I try to protect their childhoods. We are asked to take on so much as are our children and to recognize when we are off center and know how to get ourselves back is so incredibly important. Thank you for this thoughtful, authentic post.

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